Will the French government be far-left?



It’s hard to determine if the most powerful group in the left-wing coalition, whose strongest party is La France Insoumise (LFI) (far-left), will dominate, given the contestation by its minor allies: the Ecologists, the Socialist Party (PS), and the Communists. The biggest governance issue comes from the social democrats, who are extremely ambitious and will do everything to impose their ideas. In such a configuration, each party in the left-wing coalition is preparing France for instability. Moreover, each of these political parties celebrates the victory separately, a way of declaring their independence from the main group, LFI. The social democrats, it should be noted, by supporting Brussels’ economic policy, have brought the country to its current state and have contributed to the rise of the far-right, which is likely the second-largest political group in France through its alliance with various right-wing factions.

President Macron’s party is already declaring on media platforms that they will refuse a prime minister from LFI, attempting, as we mentioned recently, to steal the election from LFI voters. What’s also worrying is that President Macron’s party retains a significant number of seats and will naturally continue to create trouble with their harmful remarks about those who do not share their ideas, showing little regard for democracy, similar to the National Rally (RN). Many French people, like your servant, do not share the ideas of either side. In reality, all these political parties have long drained the country of its cultural, sociological, and political substance. The level of scheming among these politicians is such that they keep recycling the same figures, a method President Macron excels at, which has led to the significant rise of the far-right. The country is set to be ungovernable for the next three years until the next presidential elections. In three years, if the National Rally continues its normalization, it will be a clear path for Marine Le Pen and other far-right groups, among whom many Macronist supporters share a substantial part of their ideas. When one holds deep humanist and social ideals, France’s functioning is shameful, especially as the French right, which only represents 60 seats, will have no choice but to ally with the National Rally.