Editorial – December 2023

The year 2023 is coming to an end with numerous tragedies: Israel, Ukraine, Europe grappling with unending inflation due to a delirious economic management that only benefits financial elites, and uncertainties looming over 2024. Nevertheless, in the USA, things are improving. According to many economists, inflation is on the decline, evident in lower prices in stores and a return of gasoline prices to pre-crisis levels. Markets are thriving, yielding increased profits.

Concerns persist about the Trump trial, with its outcome remaining unpredictable. The primary defendant remains as threatening and populist as ever. The upcoming elections seem to be losing interest among many, especially if the leading figures remain unchanged from the last election. In Europe, it’s evident that the far-right is gaining ground in major countries due to the economic reasons mentioned earlier, causing an unprecedented wave of poverty. Unregulated immigration over time has posed security problems and challenges to basic democratic principles.

However, it must be acknowledged that the old world is collapsing, likely in a cyclical manner, accompanied by intellectual impoverishment that drags an entire culture into the abyss. This void has allowed new forms of culture to emerge. In hindsight, state-funded culture in Europe has been drained of substance, with music being the only domain where significant artists still thrive, perhaps because music is intangible and requires a cognitive process that cannot be easily dominated.

Intellectual degradation in Europe is also leading to a deterioration in the quality of life. Conversely, in other parts of the world, things seem to be improving. In the USA, a land where anything is possible, people are generally radiant despite persisting issues such as gun control debates, areas with lingering racism, and the hard right, if not extreme right, imposing book censorship and challenging abortion rights. Here, the ability to voice dissent makes a significant difference, and the freedom of speech is a fundamental right, much like the right to happiness. What is striking here is the politeness and extreme kindness of people, creating an environment where one feels at ease.

Thanksgiving has just passed, and Christmas decorations are already emerging, especially in Texas, where seasons take their time to arrive, and winter is relatively short. The end-of-year celebrations in Europe will likely be rather somber this year, except for tourists with considerably higher purchasing power. However, due to current international events, it is advisable to avoid major European countries for the holidays due to the risk of attacks and insecurity. Opting for calm and sunny places seems to be the safest choice.

Thierry De Clemensat
Editor in Chief
Bayou Blue Radio, Bayou Blue News