Goodbye Tina…

Tina Turner was raw. She was powerful. She was unstoppable. And she was unapologetically herself—speaking and singing her truth through joy and pain; triumph and tragedy. Today we join fans around the world in honoring the Queen of Rock and Roll, and a star whose light will never fade.

Barack Obama on Twitter May24th 2023


With these few words, the former American president summed up almost everything that made this legend, which his fans will never forget. As for myself, during the 80s and 90s, I occasionally worked for agencies whose goal was to capture concert footage for broadcast on TV channels around the world. Tina was very active during that time, so I had the chance to cross paths with her and capture her on my camera’s lens.

Of course, I was amazed by Tina’s professionalism, as well as her kindness and the attention she paid to others. Her simplicity and these qualities were not necessarily evident to the public, to whom she gave all her energy and love. Sometimes Tina would join the technical teams to have a meal with us, and her mere presence would radiate. We all knew from the press about the hardships she had endured and the trials she had overcome to become the star, the international legend that everyone adores. She remains alive in the hearts of each one of us. Barely had we learned of her passing, and social media were flooded with photos of Tina, which is only natural considering how much she meant to us.

I remember Tina during soundchecks, that moment when the artist takes the stage, steps into the spotlight, and starts singing in an almost empty venue to test the sound. Sometimes, as you know, technical issues arise, but in those cases, Tina knew how to be patient and would crack jokes to lighten the atmosphere, always with kindness, a smile on her lips, and a sparkle in her eyes, just like all the great artists I’ve had the privilege of getting close to.

I hold onto Tina’s energy, kindness, respect for others, and humanism, and that means a lot already. So, thank you, Tina, for those magnificent concerts I was able to capture and that will remain etched in my memory.

Thierry De Clemensat

Editor in Chief