Netflix losing momentum…

Netflix was one of the first streaming platforms to successfully establish itself worldwide, but over time, customers have been leaving in droves for other platforms.

It would be naive to think that the problem stems solely from the end of the ability to share accounts. The erosion had started much earlier, with a catalogue of increasingly uninteresting content, dozens of low-quality European series, new series with rushed plots and unbearable electro music to try and appeal to a younger audience, following in the footsteps of some of Apple’s productions.

Now, apart from a few rare high-quality series and movies, Netflix has become the “Walmart” of streaming platforms where quantity replaces quality.

Against Netflix, Amazon Prime, while also packed with mediocre quality series, offers both some very good series and movies. But it is currently Paramount Plus that wins the quality award on all levels, where bad series and movies can be counted on one hand.

It should also be noted that Paramount Plus has just lowered the price of its subscriptions. Additionally, the quality of the series in terms of direction, choice of scenarios, production, and music is of a very high level. If ads bother you, the cost is only $11.00 to enjoy the service with peace of mind.

With the gradual arrival of Paramount Plus in Europe, it is more than likely that Netflix will continue to lose subscribers who can now find their happiness elsewhere.

Paramoumt Plus website

Netflix Website

Thierry De Clemensat
Correspondant aux USA
Bayou Blue News – Bayou Blue Radio – Paris Move