What does the Sam Altman case reveal?

Firstly, we have all been surprised by what Sam Altman represents in the eyes of his employees. In recent years, Tech companies have often had an iconic CEO, joined by employees who believe in a project almost like a messiah. Additionally, there is the phenomenon of sympathy between the CEO and the employees. Artificial intelligence is a topic of widespread discussion, predicting various catastrophes akin to the early days of trains or electricity. Those who embark on this path with a singular vision may be outside any vision or reality concerning the future. In reality, artificial intelligence is currently the most coveted technology, and a carefully orchestrated game of musical chairs is underway to drive up the stakes.

There are already agreements between Microsoft and OpenAI. Sam Altman’s removal by the board had led him to join Microsoft, an unexpected move. What no one expected was that 90% of OpenAI employees were determined to follow their charismatic leader to Microsoft (I recommend this excellent Washington Post article on the subject: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/11/22/sam-altman-back-openai/).

One can easily imagine the negotiations to bring Sam Altman back to OpenAI. One may also wonder about the role of Microsoft’s CEO in this affair. In any case, all of this seems like a future takeover operation of OpenAI by the Redmond manager. Indeed, Microsoft would gain significantly by incorporating OpenAI into its acquisitions, thus obtaining ChatGPT and DALL·E. This would give Microsoft a significant advantage over Apple and Linux distributions, which currently lack clear projects in this domain. OpenAI will undoubtedly be one of the major companies of the future, whether within Microsoft or independently. The automation of operating system functions is on the agenda, and with the gradual arrival of quantum computing, artificial intelligence will truly come into its own. What we see today is just the beginning.

You can also follow all of Sam Altman’s statements on his account (X) formerly Twitter, here: https://twitter.com/sama. It is an excellent way to form an opinion on the situation. Therefore, it will be interesting, even thrilling, to see the evolution of the OpenAI situation in 2024. It will also be fascinating to observe the development of other artificial intelligences, such as Google’s Bard, which seems to be gradually catching up with OpenAI. For Apple, it seems that the company is working on generative AI. However, at present, it is difficult to say how it will be applied to its Mac OS operating system. Read this article on Mac Rumors titled “Apple GPT”: https://www.macrumors.com/guide/apple-gpt/.


Thierry De Clemensat

Editor in Chief

Bayou Blue Radio, Bayou Blue News