To no longer support Israel, an idea that is gaining traction…

Even though we wholeheartedly sympathize with the Israelis who have been severely affected by Islamist attacks, it is important to distinguish between the Israeli people and their far-right government. This government has gone unpunished for too long, partly for facilitating the colonization of Palestinian territories and continuing to develop them, and currently engaging in what can be described as a genuine genocide. This needs to be condemned daily, and an end to the fighting must be demanded.

For weeks now, the situation has moved beyond seeking culprits or rescuing abducted individuals; we are witnessing the systematic massacre of a population with the clear goal of reclaiming the entire Gaza Strip. Just as the Israeli government is far-right and lacking in humanity, the same cannot be said for the Israeli population. Many voices within Israel are now also calling for an end to the conflict.

Similarly, not all Palestinians are members of Hamas, and Israel’s actions are not only fueling the hatred of Palestinians but also of the entire world. It is not coincidental that in Europe or the USA, campuses are rising up to denounce Israeli policy. In Western countries, it is becoming increasingly difficult for leaders to continue supporting Israel under these conditions, as there is no justification for supporting any democratic state behaving in this manner.

While everyone can agree on the fight against Islamic terrorism, the idea of eradicating an ideology by killing an entire population is entirely counterproductive. The current actions of Israel pose a threat to all democracies. Ensuring the security of future Olympics, for example, is practically impossible under these circumstances, and peaceful Muslim-majority countries may, under pressure from their populations, adopt an aggressive stance towards Israel.

Extreme right-wing ideology is never a positive force, whether in Israel or elsewhere. The hope is that democratic governments exert enough pressure on Israel to force them to stop this massacre. The solution must be political, and it is imperative to evacuate all settlers from the territories; otherwise, the region will likely remain a powder keg ready to explode at any moment. Young Palestinians also deserve a future of peace, and it is up to Western countries to find a way to ensure this, as the current Israeli government cannot be relied upon.


Thierry De Clemensat

Editor in Chief

Bayou Blue Radio/Bayou Blue News