Many of us have appreciated and used this application over the past decades, but the love we thought was eternal for this email client is now definitively over for many, as this application has become very memory-intensive, freezing very regularly under Windows 11, even managing to crash the system regularly.
Thunderbird has fallen into the same mistakes as Microsoft in the past by offering an all-encompassing program that has become a kind of mammoth in every sense of the word, with efficiency close to zero. So, at the editorial office, we looked for a program for the period when we still use Windows, as you know we plan to switch to Mac OS. So why not try Outlook again, which we did, and to be honest, it has become a good application, light, smooth, and free if you go through the Microsoft Store.
In the past, getting Gmail accounts recognized was like a séance with Outlook, but now it’s child’s play, and setting up or deleting email accounts is just as simple. In fact, Windows users are familiar with the Microsoft Mail application, very inspired by Apple’s Mail application. Outlook is now just a slightly modified version of Microsoft Mail that has managed to convince many users over time, and rightly so. Moreover, at any time, you can switch back from the Microsoft Mail application to the Outlook application with a simple button at the top right of the main application window. Microsoft has understood that many users hate changes, and that’s a good thing.
You navigate from account to account through the menu on the left of the main window, and the icon in the taskbar proudly announces “New” if a message has arrived in one of your email accounts. The interface could be a bit more readable, for example, by allowing the user to choose to display the account name in a color other than white, but at least the application is simple and light, which is no longer the case with Thunderbird.
Thierry De Clemensat
Bayou Blue Radio, Bayou Blue News