Sick Society, the Web Marabouts

When a society is sick and lacking in direction, throughout history we have seen various Nostradamuses and other delusional individuals who feel entitled to share their truth with others. Nowadays, we are infested with influencers of all kinds and life coaches on social media, as well as fake psychologists who believe they have the right to give their opinion on everything.

The problem is that they have no particular skills except for shining among people whose intellectual level is the same as theirs, which is close to zero. In the past, religions also played this role, and in the entire Western world, it is the most extremist voices that are heard, whether it’s deviations of Christianity, Protestantism, or other religions. This combination of factors raises at least the question of the state of our society, between those who ban books because they do not align with their narrow vision of society, fight against the most fundamental freedoms of women, including the right to abortion, far from any form of healthy reasoning based both on science, philosophy, and the natural evolution of science and society. These are people with whom any form of discussion is impossible due to their beliefs imposed as certainties.

The problem is primarily a question of education, as we find among these people those who are poorly or not educated, who have never learned to analyze facts and situations and to debate them calmly, preferring insults, racism, and low blows to a dialogue of ideas and projects. This is what we see, for example, in France with “Macronism” and in the USA with “Trumpism”. It is appalling and can only work when a majority of people are no longer capable of thinking.

Education is therefore the central and most important point of our civilizations; without it, the West will return to prehistory. From this point of view, Trump’s speeches are very revealing of these facts: lies repeated as truths, racism, sexism, everything is used to fuel the hatred of the less educated for whom the problem is inevitably the other. Of course, the problem is not necessarily the other, each person being the master of their own destiny. Therefore, it is up to each of us to watch over the other, to impart our knowledge whenever possible, without expecting anything in return, thus pushing each person to go beyond their possibilities. This is how we will render harmless those who preach hatred of others.


The Editorial staff