France: The Impossible Political Equation

The dissolution of the National Assembly desired by Emmanuel Macron has become a clear indicator of a system at its breaking point. Indeed, all political parties, from the far right to the far left, are highly corrupt, with many personalities having had or currently facing legal issues. Since his first election, everyone has noticed President Macron’s denial of democracy, aided by a former president (convicted by the judiciary) Nicolas Sarkozy, who himself was widely detested by the population during his time. This is the image that all French people have had in front of their eyes for decades, leading to a decline in voting and a weariness with the political system. The left is also responsible for this state of affairs, having abandoned the working class in favor of the urban petite bourgeoisie and having an economic policy imposed by Europe, making the economic policies of the right and center indistinguishable.

The Republicans, who today attempt to continue resisting between the president’s party and the National Rally, are also mired in scandals and have proven in the past that they are not a democratic party either, sharing the same security ideas as the National Rally. The left is trying to unite, but this uncertain and hardly credible union, as always, draws on past ideas. This left-wing coalition, calling itself the “Popular Front,” is only so in name. The differences between the engaged parties are such that they cannot be taken seriously, with only the urban petite bourgeoisie perhaps continuing to believe in it, which will not form a majority.

The momentum of the French far-right party over the past few decades does not seem to be stopping anytime soon, especially since it is difficult to imagine a left that resembles nothing and will tear itself apart at the first obstacle in anticipation of the presidential elections, as they have no other project than to seize power and counter the National Rally. This is very insufficient, while even though highly contestable, the National Rally has managed to listen to the population and tell them what they wanted to hear. It is equally difficult to know what the National Rally will deliver in power, especially since mayors elected under this party’s label have been systematically re-elected in recent years. The demonization policy orchestrated by Marine Le Pen seems to have made most French people forget her past photos with a former SS officer.

Regardless of the results of the upcoming elections on July 7, the risks of civil war in France are significant. Besides the fact that the French are fed up with Emmanuel Macron’s politics, whose every television appearance provokes fierce hatred from many people, the left is not perceived any better. A potential rise to power of the National Rally will only fuel hatred from all sides. This is what I call the impossible political equation in France: a worn-out system and political parties that do not meet citizens’ expectations, making the situation particularly explosive.


By the Editorial staff